Know About Astrology
Astrology is type of divination that involves the forecasting of earthly and human events through the observation and interpretation of the fixed stars, the Sun, the Moon, and the planets.
The date of birth, exact time and place of birth of a person gives an exact overview of planetary positions of zodiac signs at time of birth which influences the entire life of the individual. There are 9 planets which are traveling in different zones identified by 12 zodiac signs, as shown in the horoscope. Every person has a different impact of the positioning and movement of different planets in various phases of one’s life. The horoscope represents a picture of positions of planets in the universe and their beneficial and malefic impacts as they move along in various conjunctions. Astrology
guides in analyzing the impact of planetary combinations, and making their best use for success in various facets of life.
Expert Sheckha can take you through your life journey and help you find your life’s direction and improve the course of life’s journey. Life becomes better by taking action (Karma) in consonance with your birth chart. Astrological advice can help you deal with the problems and negative events of your life in a very powerful and positive manner.
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